Zoning Board of Appeals - Jan 17th, 2017: Difference between revisions

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There were three cases before the ZBA tonight.

Docket #3518. 12 Wyman Street. 6.08, large additions.

The homeowner wanted to add a 1000 ft2 addition to their house. The addition would extend to the rear of the property, following the existing building form. They had three kids, and wanted more room for their growing family. The proposed renovation would give two floors, plus a finished basement.

The architect was mistaken about an existing non-conformity -- she (apparently) misread the definition of usable open space, and believed that the property had none. Based on their examination of the plot plan, the ZBA believed there was usable open space.

The applicant requested a continuance, to see if the proposed alteration would leave sufficient usable open space, and if necessary, to modify plans to accomodate the open space law.

Docket #3525. 143 Scituate St. Section 6.00: Dimensional and Density requirements. Specifically, Section 6.19, unenclosed porches.

The applicant wanted to add a large unenclosed porch. The ZBA believes this is generally okay. Their order of conditions will state that the porch cannot later be enclosed.

Permit approved.

Docket #2525. 60--62 Maynard St. 9.02: Extension and Alteration.

The applicants have a duplex house, and they're planning to do a full remodel. They're planning to finish the attic. Some parts of the attic will be 7'3", but less than 50% (i.e., a half-story).

The alteration would stay entirely within the existing foundation walls.

The applicants believe that they have no usable open space, but did not provide a plot plan to confirm this. The ZBA asked the applicants to come back, with sufficient documentation to show the existing non-conformity.

One abutter showed up; she was concerned about work hours on Saturday. The ZBA's administrator explained the town bylaws re: when construction is allowed to take place. The contractor said he'd try to be considerate of neighbors, but couldn't guarantee hours of work, beyond what's mandated by the town bylaw. In other words, the bylaw says that work can start at 8:00 am on Saturdays, and they may do so. The applicant will have to move out for the duration of the construction, and they'd prefer not to move out for longer than necessary.

ZBA approved with conditions. The applicant must complete the special permit dimensional forms, to show the existing non-conformity.