Zoning Board of Appeals - Apr 20th, 2021

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Meeting held via remote participation. Materials were available from https://arlington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/DisplayAgendaPDF.ashx?MeetingID=1323.

Thorndike Place Compreshensive Permit

This is a short hearing, where the board votes to continue, and to extend the 180 day hearing period.

(Christian Klein, ZBA Chair) At the April 8th heaing, the board asked Arlington Land Realty to consider re-introducing the townhomes along Dorothy Road. The applicant believes the can revise their plans to meet this goal, but needs more time to do so.

The board votes to continue the hearing to May 13th at 7:30pm.

The board votes to extend the 180 hearing period to Thursday May 20th.

Mr. Klein summarizes the board's upcoming hearing schedule.

On April 27th we'll hear 190--192 Mystic Valley Parkway, 1165R Mass Ave, and vote to elect board officers.

Three new projects will come before the board on May 11th.

Thorndike Place is continued until May 13th.

There are additional new cases scheduled for May 25th.

Meeting adjourned.